I’m an architecture student passionate about creating spaces that inspire and connect people.


I’m an architecture student passionate about creating spaces that inspire and connect people.

I am fascinated by the way design shapes our daily experiences and the environment around us. Through my studies, I explore a variety of architectural styles and techniques, always striving to blend creativity with functionality. Whether through hands-on model making, digital renderings, or thoughtful design concepts, I aim to craft spaces that are not only visually engaging but also responsive to human needs and environmental contexts.
My style
My projects are usually centered around light and shadow
Light and Shadow

Using a black and white style with hints of bold colors in architectural diagrams and model-making taught me how to create striking contrasts that highlight key design elements. The simplicity of black and white allows for clarity and focus, while the selective use of bold colors draws attention to specific features, guiding the viewer’s eye and emphasizing important concepts. This approach helped me understand how color can be a powerful tool for visual communication, providing emphasis without overwhelming the design. It also reinforced the importance of balance, as the interplay between the neutral background and vibrant accents creates a dynamic yet cohesive representation of architectural ideas.

My work
What I do
There were different lessons learned on all of the projects I had worked on in the past

Contact me

13 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 101660